October goals | Tamaralouise_xo


So it's the beginning of the month and I thought I should try to do an Octobers goals post! I certainly struggle planning my life and sticking to it. Mostly because of my anxiety some days are a lot harder than others but it's worth a shot right? Can't give up before I even try! My goals may not be the conventional goals but they are things I'd like to achieve. So here goes! 

1) plan my posts better, so try to post a blog post twice a week!
2) remember to use my social networking sites to get my blog out there.
3) really work on my anxiety and try to not let it stop me doing my daily tasks!
4) plan my charity work better and try to get some companies to donate prizes to the raffle! 
5) 10,000 steps a day! This is easier on work days so I'm going to make the effort on my days off to go for a long walk!
6) start my new job and boss it like the queen I am 😂 
7) don't get disheartened when people don't follow your blog 😂 

I know I may not reach all of these but I hope that I will! I'm going to try my hardest and try and make myself better! 💕

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  1. I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award, check out my latest post for more info.


  2. Good luck with achieving your October goals and starting your new job!

    fourcatsplusus.co.uk - Amy x

    1. Thank you so much! I cant wait to start my new job and hoping I can keep up with my goals :L x

  3. These are all great goals! I want to start wearing my Fitbit and log my steps!

    xo, Liz

    1. oh you so should! They say to try and reach 10,000 steps a day. I ended up running on the spot before bed the other night to get my last 500 in haha! x
